
Blockchain-powered crypto-propulsion system for interplanetary exploration

Project maintained by Spetnik Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Serverless Blockchain Rocket - Going [to the moon!] to Mars with Cryptocurrency

Serverless BlockChain Rocket is a serverless blockchain-powered crypto-propulsion system for interplanetary exploration.


How does it work?

Serverless Blockchain Rocket allows the expensive costs of rocket propulsion to be shared by the mining pool. This makes for lighter rockets, allowing more payload at a lower cost.

But how does it work?

While the Blockchain Rocket pool is decentralized, the rockets themselves have a “Master Mining Rig”. Where you would normally find cryogenic liquid rocket fuel, a Blockchain Rocket instead contains a server cabinet containing rows of ASICs optimized for rapid propulsion. Bonded telecom-grade copper wires carry Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies to the combustion chamber where they are combined with an oxidizer and ejected via the rocket nozzles.

Does it work?

In theory, yes. The technology is currently in the early development phase. Once a proof-of-concept is complete, we will open an ICO which will bring in enough cryptocurrency to fund our pilot flight.

How is it serverless?

ASICs are not servers.

What kind of tests will be performed on this rocket?

Prior to every launch we will have a HODL-down firing of the rocket engines.

What about the exhaust emissions? Will the rockets emit greenhouse gasses?

We anticipate the rocket emissions to be very environmentally-friendly. However, in order to counter any carbon emissions, we will plant 100 Merkle Trees in nature reserves worldwide.

Where are we going?

Everywhere! Blockchain Rocket technology is a complete game-changer for the way we look at interplanetary and even interstellar travel. Our pilot flight will be an unmanned mission to lunar orbit, where we hope to establish the first lunar BitCoin wallet.

Is Elon Musk involved?

No. He is working on battery-powered rockets that will put cars in Mars orbit.

What does NASA say about this?

We can neither confirm nor deny NASA’s involvement in this project. They’ll almost certainly deny it.


Please feel free to contribute code to this project. We think we may be in way over our heads.